If your situation feels unbearable and you cannot handle it on your own, you should turn to emergency medical care and not book an appointment with one of Ahums therapists. Seek medical attention at a psychiatric emergency department, or call 112 (Sweden), if you have thoughts about seriously injuring yourself or someone else, or if you have severe thoughts or plans to take your own life.
Call 1177 (Sweden) if you need help with where to seek care in your area.
If you have suicidal thoughts or plans to take your life, you can, for example, contact:
• The Suicide Line, chat via mind.se or call 90101 (Sweden).
• On-call fellow 08-702 16 80 or chat via jourhavande-medmanniska.se.
• On-call priest can be reached by calling 112.
Please note all phone numbers are for Sweden. If you are abroad, please look up the local emergency number for the country you are in.